President’s Message
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- President’s Message
Welcome to WiN Korea.
A group of trusted women nuclear professionals.
The WiN Korea is a non-profit organization founded by women professionals working in nuclear fields such as industry, research and academia.
As the Korean Chapter of the WiN Global, which has over 35,000 members from more than 140 countries, The WiN Korea is striving to raise awareness of nuclear technology and its benefits among the general public, especially women and future generations. We aim to take the lead in public communication about nuclear energy, and to support women’s career development in the nuclear field.
Additionally, the WiN Korea aims to achieve a second leap forward based on lessons learned from the nuclear phase-out policy and the COVID-19 pandemic in recent years. We are striving to achieve the following three goals:
First, we will strengthen partnerships with the NGOs that support nuclear power to help realize a carbon-neutral society.
Second, we will actively train radiation safety tutors who can teach the public especially women and the next generation, about radiation in daily life to increase the public acceptance.
Lastly, we will make efforts to collaborate with the WiN Global for human network.
The WiN Korea welcomes your participation and support.
Lee Sook-Kyung
6th President of WiN Korea